Discover each quarter our best fund leaderboards of our 70 universes of European domiciled funds:

  • BEST BSD INVESTING ACTIVE FUNDS: top 15 active funds showing the highest outperformance consistency vs passive funds following the same benchmark.
  • BEST BSD INVESTING MIXED FUNDS: top 15 active & passive funds showing the best risk adjusted historical performance.
  • BEST BSD INVESTING PASSIVE FUNDS: top 15 passive funds showing the best index tracking characteristics (including ETFs).

Access to more than 70 universe Active/Passive fund recommendations to select the best management style according to the environment, based on BSD investing unique proprietary database and analysis tool. Custom analysis can also be done on demand for any investment universe according to client needs.

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Active & Passive Equity flows Q3 2024

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Active & Passive Equity flows

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Active & Passive Fixed income flows

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Active & Passive Fixed income flows

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