BSD Investing & L’Allocataire model portfolio update
Staying the course even in rough market times
Click here to discover the performances of our dynamic portfolio allocation. Our mixed approach between active and passive management on this profile has generated an outperformance of 9% compared to the MSCI ACWI index (world equities) over 1 year (until 28/01/2023), and is up 6% year to date (against 6% for world equities). It is a factual proof that the combination of active and passive strategies is an under-exploited performance driver.
In the following, we will address the question of crypto universe diversity and perform a deep dive into crypto taxonomy to understand how to differentiate those assets in order to build a classification, similar to GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard), with its own sectors and industries. Based on WisdomTree taxonomy ( access the full WisdomTree white paper), we identified two sectors, infrastructure and applications that are split into 7 different industry groups.
Discover all the details about BSD Investing & L’Allocataire/ WisdomTree crypto asset taxonomy. |
Using BSD Investing & L’Allocataire/ WisdomTree crypto asset taxonomy, we could deep dive into crypto assets to answer the following questions: Are all crypto asset segments accessible through existing ETP products? What is the weight of each crypto asset sector in investor portfolios? Toward which sectors and industry groups are crypto assets flows going?
Click here to discover all the answers.
MARKET VOICE: The Importance of transparency in selecting crypto ETPs, BY WISDOMTREE
Digital ETPs must be selected based on their unique characteristics and require both similar and new considerations. WisdomTree present a holistic framework to approach crypto ETP selection, intending to provide clear steps for understanding the components that matter the most to investors. Benjamin Dean, Director Digital Assets at Wisdomtree highlights the need and importance of transparency in products invested in digital assets for professional investors.
Click here to read the interview. Or click here to access the WidomTree podcast untitled “Transparency in the Digital Asset and Crypto Space”.
Thematic investing: A new fund selection methodology by BSD Investing & L’allocataire
In this edition, with regard to the new developments of thematic investing, and based on BNPP AM, Invesco & WisdomTree market insights combined with our proprietary research, we provide a simple and easily achievable methodology that does not require a new nomenclature for efficient selection of thematic funds that does not require a new nomenclature, for efficient selection of thematic funds.
Click here to discover the full methodology.
When index investing meets crypto assets
As seen in the article titled “What Crypto weighs in investors’ portfolios?” , investment vehicles to invest in crypto assets have seen an exponential growth since a few years as they provide a simple way of gaining access to crypto assets. What are current options to access crypto assets in Europe? Why index investing is currently expanding to crypto assets? Click here to have all the answers
Crypto assets, to be or not to be an asset class?
Ahmed Khelifa, cfa, and Marlene Hassine Konqui explore this key topic, based on prominent academic research (namely CFA Institute research foundation) and market insights (from Invesco and Hashdex), looking at the definition of an asset class, and the set-up of a framework to determine whether an asset can be considered an asset class. They answer the following questions: Do assets within the crypto landscape show a similar behavior to market events? Does the asset class add diversification to a portfolio? Do crypto assets have the capacity to absorb a meaningful proportion of an investor’s portfolio? What are the available investable vehicles to a European asset allocator?
Click here to read the full article.
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