Event Active-Passive Management, Behind the Scenes of Selection

16 May 2024

How do asset allocators and fund selectors Integrate financial innovations especially ESG strategies into fund selection and allocation (active ETFs, Thematic, etc.)?
Our panelists will adress this question at the first event of its kind to debate and exchange views on active and passive management selection: “ Active-Passive management, behind the scenes of selection “.
The event will take place in Paris on 17June 2024. We will talk about :
• Comparison bias between active and passive passive management and preconceived ideas
• Manager practices and solutions for reprocessing biases in analyses
• New fund selection and portfolio construction methodologies and practices to combine active and passive management
Free subscription for institutionnal investors, fund selectors, fund managers and buy-side analysts following this link Active-Passive management, behind the scenes of selection

Marlene Hassine Konqui & Ahmed Khelifa, CFA