Can we further discuss an ESG factor in light of its underperformance in 2022? How have ESG indices performed year to date in 2023, and what factors contributed to their performance? How has this influenced fund flows? Did the trend of transitioning to environmentally friendly portfolios persist in 2023? We delve into addressing these inquiries within this article, providing comprehensive insights into the ESG (sustainable) market structure for both equity and fixed income assets, distinguishing between index and non-index funds.
Click here to read the full article. |
During the first half of 2023, seven of the 10 flagship MSCI ACWI Climate and ESG Indexes outperformed their parent benchmark, the MSCI ACWI Index. The three remaining indexes underperformed the MSCI ACWI Index by 0.20% or less. What drives this over-performance? In this article, “Climate and ESG Indexes in Focus: Let’s Get Specific”, you’ll find a performance attribution explaining main ESG and Climate indices overperformance realized by Manish Shakdwipee, Executive Director, MSCI Research, Guillermo Cano, Executive Director, MSCI Research and Xinxin Wang ,Executive Director, MSCI Research.
Introduced in March 2021, the SFDR is a regulatory framework that aims to align financial markets more closely with sustainability objectives and create a more transparent financial system. The SFDR enhances comparability by obliging financial market participants and advisers to disclose the environmental and social characteristics of their investment products within a consistent framework. This article by WidomTree, explore the distinction between Articles 8 and 9 and get a a detailed and comprehensive overview of the requirements for obtaining an Article 9 status with Mobeen Tahir — Director, Research, WisdomTree.
BSD Investing & L’Allocataire model portfolio update
Combining active & passive funds to build optimal portfolios
Click here to discover the performances of our dynamic portfolio allocation. Our mixed approach between active and passive management on this profile has generated an outperformance of 13% compared to the MSCI ACWI index (world equities) over 1 year (until 15/08/2023), and is up 14.5% year to date (against 10.6% for world equities). It is a factual proof that the combination of active and passive strategies is an under-exploited performance driver.
Which European equity income funds rank top in BSD Investing Best Fund Leaderboards ?
Convinced of the need for new comprehensive selection methodologies that do not segregate passive and active management, BSD Investing and L’ALLOCATAIRE have decided to publish their fund rankings on a quarterly basis, the fruit of several years’ research and interdisciplinary collaboration. It is with particular emotion that we share with you our Leaderboard of the best funds in European Equity Income universe. Discover BSD Investing Best active funds leaderboard on Euorpean equity income funds.
Podcast : Quality or Growth, which factor is the winner of interest rate hikes?
How Factors Performed in the 12 Months Following the End of the Last 7 Fed Rate Hike Cycles?
How did factor strategies perform in 2023?
To get the answers, listen to the podcast below (in French) or read our article: “How did factor strategies perform in 2023, and are their valuations still attractive?”.
Click here to read the full article.
Smart Beta Focus – H1 2023
Half-year update for institutional investors
How did factor strategies perform in 2023? Are the valuations of these factors still attractive? Are Smart Beta strategies still an important pillar of investors’ portfolios in 2023? Which strategies are experiencing the most significant inflows? What is the role of smart beta strategies in investors’ portfolios?
Click here to read the full article.
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