Active fund vs ETF selection using behavioral finance
How does behavioral finance make it possible to become an informed investor in order to choose efficiently between the two? Are there solutions allowing informed investors to choose between active funds vs ETFs and generate performance in portfolios?
Sustainable active funds vs ETFs: which management style to favor?
How to choose between sustainable active funds vs ETFs? Who of active funds or ETFs favor sustainable investors in 2021?
TOP 3 misconceptions in the active fund vs ETF debate
Can we trust with our eyes closed the figures available to investors comparing the performance of active management vs ETFs? Do they reflect all the opportunities available on the market to build your portfolio and outperform? Everything you always wanted to know about what’s behind the numbers.

Press review
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Active fund vs ETF performance: Who is the winner in 2021?
What should we remember from YTD 2021 active fund vs ETF performance to improve the portfolio performance?

BSD Investing’s new tool to generate performance
Marlene Hassine Konqui launches BSD Investing’s new tool to help investors generate performance thanks to a unique proprietary database.

BSD Investing video : Active funds vs ETFs, How to optimise portfolio performance?
Discover BSD Investing method to select active funds and ETFs to enhance portfolio performance by Marlene Hassine Konqui expert in […]

Active funds vs ETFs: How to fairly select to create performance in portfolios ?
How to select between active funds vs ETFs and optimize the performance of portfolios in 5 steps.

Active funds vs ETF: Who performed best in the first half of 2021 ?
Comparing the performance between an active fund and an ETF that follow the same index is key to making good […]

Active funds vs ETFs: who is the winner in terms of flows so far in 2021?
Where have flows been since the start of 2021 ? Have investors changed their habits following the Covid 19 crisis […]