Latest news on ACTIVE vs PASSIVE FUNDs
Factor or sector, active or index funds: who are the winners so far in 2022?
Have investors favoured factor or sector strategies in this chaotic context? What is the place of Smart Beta in investors’ portfolios? Has the turbulent economic and financial context of 2022 called into question investors’ appetite for sustainable investing? What happened in August on the flows?
Despite the very high sensitivity of flows to changes in the economic and financial situation and the tactical reallocations that we witnessed this summer, major trends continue, investors’ portfolios are becoming structurally more responsible and passive funds is asserting itself as essential alongside active funds, particularly on core portfolio strategies.
Click here to discover the whole analysis. In addition, factor and sector strategies are visibly regaining investor interest. Do these strategies deliver performance? Is it better to invest in sectors or factors? so many questions, key to portfolio construction that we answer in the following article of our newsletter.
BSD Investing & L’Allocataire model portfolio update
Staying the course even in rough market times
Click here to discover our resilient portfolio allocations keeping their promises even in recent market downturn.
Factors or sectors ,What drives the stock markets ?
Several philosophies and academic approaches exist to build portfolios. The choice of the theoretical framework is the first challenge that an asset allocator may face. Making an absolute choice in a fast moving environment due to continuous financial innovation, frequent market regime changes and volatile relative performances is not an easy task to accomplish.
What do the most recent studies tell us about the relevance of factor forecasting methods relative to time series models based on historical market returns ?
What factors showed the best resilience in the H1 and was it a better choice to make factor bets or sector ones ?
The answer to all the questions above in this article that will help you build more acute asset allocations.
Click here to read the whole news. |
NEW Review of market voices
A successfull Smart Beta Strategy example by Franklin Templeton
As seen in BSD Investing flows analysis above, after years of lower interest, Smart Beta strategies have regained attraction among investors. In current financial and economic downturn, those strategies allow to benefit from factor rotations or to be less impacted by volatility increases. Should investors prefer single factors or multifactor strategies? For Franklin Templeton, research indicates that a multi factor strategy is able to deliver consistent risk adjusted outperformance based on a fundamentally driven approach and a defensive tilt. Click here to discover the view on the topic of Marcus Weyerer, Senior ETF Investment Strategist, Franklin Templeton. |
BSD Investing research: new elements in the active/passive fund debate
Jean Marie Catala and Arabelle Conte for AFG shared their view on the debate relying on BSD Investing research.
Discover BSD Investing methodology to arrive at a fair view in allocating between active and passive funds to build optimal portfolios.
Click here to read the tribune from Funds Europe to know more about cost and performance comparisons for active and passive funds.
ETF’s Sustainability is gathering momentum
The ETF market is seeing the surge of a wave of responsible investments.
What are the reasons behind ETF ESG rapid growth? What sustainability objective could be reached through ETF? The answers from Ahmed Khélifa CFA, in this summary of the ETF and ESG roundtable organized by Funds magazine.Click here to view the full article
Discover our latest webinar
Discover BSD investing & L’Allocataire latest macro & active vs passive fund 2022 outlook. Click here to view the video.
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