BSD Investing, the independent expert in Active/Passive fund allocation has partnered with L’Allocataire, the independent expert in asset allocation to offer clients model portfolios based on the best of both worlds for portfolio construction. Click here to access the performance of our dynamic portfolio allocation.
BSD Investing & L’Allocataire model portfolios



Available for all tax envelopes
The risk profile is adapted to that of the clients regardless of the tax envelope (Life insurance, PEA, Securities account). Balanced and dynamic portfolios also available in the French PEA investment accounts.
Get access to the quarterly allocation grid of our model portfolios, including reallocation supporting documents as well as quarterly reports
A turnkey solution for implementing our allocations is also available via the discretionary management offers developed by our partner management companies
Our model portfolios are based on :
Optimal Active vs passive fund selection
Access to BSD Investing active vs passive fund selection, based on its unique proprietary database and analysis tool, to get the best of both worlds
Optimal Asset class selection
Access to l’Allocataire asset allocation unique expertise to deliver institutional like strategies
Optimal portfolio construction
Access to a combination of both qualitative & quantitative views on both asset & investment vehicule allocations to get the best of both worlds
Open architecture model
Our capital independence and the absence of in-house funds allow an alignment of interests and an unbiased choice of investment vehicles.
A turnkey solution, from advice to implementation
A risk profile adapted to that of your client regardless of the tax envelope (Life Insurance, PEA, Securities account)
An innovation in the PEA: Balanced and dynamic profile available thanks to ETFs eligible for the PEA.

Marlène Hassine Konqui

Ahmed Khelifa
Marlene is a recognized expert in the field of active/passive fund allocation. She is a Financial analyst, member of the ETF, commission of the SFAF.
She served as head of ETF research at Lyxor Asset Management from 2009 to 2020 and was previously in charge of Equity Derivatives research at Exane, Oddo and Kepler Equities.
She is also a pioneer in active/passive portfolio research and her work has been presented to professionals both institutional and financial advisors across Europe.
Ahmed is an expert in asset allocation. He significantly contributed to building and developing a billion euros asset allocation advisory family office in less than 5 years.
Ahmed also created the ETF Commission within the Société Française des Analystes Financiers (SFAF) bringing together participants of major global ETF providers.
Ahmed thus built well-established connections with Paris-based Assets’ Management and financial advisory stakeholders