Latest news on ACTIVE vs PASSIVE FUNDs
What place for active ETFs in investors’ portfolios?
In 2022, active ETFs represent 60% of newly launched ETFs in the United States and nearly 10% of those launched in Europe. What share for active ETFs in portfolios worldwide? Are European portfolios following the same trend as those of American investors? The proliferation of new types of ETFs (active, smart beta, factor, thematic, etc.) which involve an active decision within the index, has blurred the boundary between active and passive ETFs: What is the place of active ETFs in the broad sense in investors’ portfolios?
Click here to discover all the answers. |
BSD Investing & L’Allocataire model portfolio update
Staying the course even in rough market times
Click here to discover our resilient portfolio allocations keeping their promises even in recent market downturn.
Active ETFs in Europe: a mirage of best of both worlds or an unknown reality? The truth is out there
Many investors, even among institutional ones, ignore the existence of actively managed ETFs in Europe. Recent market flows show that this kind of new vehicles are gaining traction, thus raising new questions for asset allocators. What defines an active ETF? What value they may add to an asset allocation? Are active ETFs similar in U.S and in Europe?
Click here to have a close look into this new market segment, a summary of major academic and market structure findings.
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NEW Review of market voices
When active ETFs outperform both active and passive strategies: a successful active ETF strategy example by JP Morgan Asset Management
Based on BSD investing proprietary database, we rank the top 15 active funds showing the highest outperformance consistency vs passive funds following the same benchmark. In the global equity large cap category for this quarter, an active ETF strategy, the JPM Global Research Enhanced ESG ETF is ranked #1. Our screening based on short to middle term (1,3,5 years) active funds outperformance consistency vs passive funds, shows that this ETF ranks #1 vs passive ETFs but also vs traditional active funds. What’s behind this strategy? What are its performances? This ETF combines the qualities of passive – index-like regional, sector and style exposures – with active management based on the skill of JP Morgan Research. Click on the following link to access a conversation with Piera Elisa Grassi, Portfolio Manager of JPM Research Enhanced Index Equity (ESG) ETFs and discover more about this new type of ETF.
Active or index funds: have we seen a return to favor of Smart Beta strategies since the beginning of the year?
Marlene Hassine Konqui, member of the ETF Committee of the SFAF, and Ahmed Khelifa, Chairman of the ETF Committee, take stock of investors’ interest in this type of strategy in the chaotic context of 2022, as well as the role of Smart Beta in portfolio construction and factor performance since the beginning of the year.
Click here to read the article and discover if investors in Europe are following the same trend and the role of smart beta in portfolio construction .
Factors or sectors, what drives the stock markets ?
Several philosophies and academic approaches exist to build portfolios. The choice of the theoretical framework is the first challenge that an asset allocator may face. Making an absolute choice in a fast moving environment due to continuous financial innovation, frequent market regime changes and volatile relative performances is not an easy task to accomplish. Click here to view the full article
Discover our latest webinar
Discover BSD investing & L’Allocataire latest macro & active vs passive fund 2022 outlook. Click here to view the video.
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