Active funds vs ETFs: Are investors’ portfolios more sustainable?
Did investors continue to focus on active management or ETFs for sustainable investments in the first quarter of 2022? Article 8 or 9 sustainable funds: where are the assets of ETFs vs active funds? Is the increase of sustainable fund assets accompanied by a change in fund benchmarks?
Data revolution, for an efficient use of statistics
For data revolution to also impact the allocation decision between active management and ETFs, investors should access up-to-date and quality data & analysis
New elements in the active / passive fund debate
Jean Marie Catala and Arabelle Conte for AFG shared their view on the debate relying on BSD Investing research.
Sustainable active funds vs ETFs: which management style to favor?
How to choose between sustainable active funds vs ETFs? Who of active funds or ETFs favor sustainable investors in 2021?
TOP 3 misconceptions in the active fund vs ETF debate
Can we trust with our eyes closed the figures available to investors comparing the performance of active management vs ETFs? Do they reflect all the opportunities available on the market to build your portfolio and outperform? Everything you always wanted to know about what’s behind the numbers.

Active funds vs ETFs: who is the winner in terms of flows so far in 2021?
Where have flows been since the start of 2021 ? Have investors changed their habits following the Covid 19 crisis […]

Can we conclude over the superiority of Japan equity active managers?
Interesting article in about Japan equity active managers, highlighting their superior excess returns compared to other regions of the world over […]

Do you know the share of ETFs in financial markets globally?
“ETFs currently account for just 3% of assets held in equity and bond markets globally”, according to an article from […]

😎Should the focus only be on mutual funds vs ETF?
The switch from mutual funds to ETFs is a good thing for investors that will be able to get the […]

🤔Are concerns about the risks of passive investing the only reasons to shift from passive to active funds
According to my research, the decision to use one or the other is often a finely balanced one. The data […]