Newsletter: Gold in portfolio: the When, the Why and the How?
Click here to subscribe to our newsletter – Wednesday 14 December 2022 – Gold in portfolio: the When, the […]
What Crypto weighs in investors’ portfolios?
Investment vehicles to invest in crypto assets have seen an exponential growth since a few years. Those vehicles provide a […]
When active ETFs outperform both active and passive strategies: a successful active ETF strategy example by JP Morgan Asset Management
BSD Investing has developed leaderboards allowing to rank funds based on its unique proprietary database aiming at giving a fair […]
What place for Active ETFs in investors’ portfolios?
What share for active ETFs in investors’ portfolios worldwide? Are European portfolios following the same trend as those of American investors? What is the real place of active ETFs in investors’ portfolios?
Active ETFs in Europe: A mirage of best of both worlds or an unknown reality? The truth is out there
What defines an active ETF? What value they may add to an asset allocation? Are Active ETFs similar in U.S and in Europe?
Active funds vs ETFs in Europe: flow review so far in 2021
Have investors favored active management or ETFs in the third quarter of 2021? Do they prefer active management or ETFs to invest in sustainable funds? What about flows to traditional funds?
Active vs passive funds: what did investors do during the first half of 2022?
How to analyse what investors have done during this turbulent semester in the financial markets? Did they prefer active management or passive management? Is this a harbinger of a change in trend, or just a temporary rebalancing after two years marked by the Covid 9 pandemic?
Active funds vs ETFs: Are investors’ portfolios more sustainable?
Did investors continue to focus on active management or ETFs for sustainable investments in the first quarter of 2022? Article 8 or 9 sustainable funds: where are the assets of ETFs vs active funds? Is the increase of sustainable fund assets accompanied by a change in fund benchmarks?
Active funds vs ETFs: in a context of geopolitical crisis, what allocation choices did investors make?
Did investors prefer active management or ETFs in February 2022? In which geographical areas or strategies have the flows been concentrated? What impact for portfolio construction?
Active funds vs ETFs: Did Eurozone equity funds benefit from the market recovery in March 2022?
Did investors favour active management or ETFs on Eurozone equities in March 2022? How have active funds vs. ETFs performed in this segment? What impact for portfolio construction?